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关于中国科大论坛 凯瑟琳娜·科瑟-赫英郝斯报告会的通知
日期:2012-11-29 作者:
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    作为“中国科大论坛”系列报告会之一,国际燃烧学会主席、德国科学院院士凯瑟琳娜科瑟-赫英郝斯(Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus)教授应邀将于20121130日(周五)下午430在中国科学技术大学东区水上报告厅作题为《Fuel and Future》的报告。请我所感兴趣的师生参加。







        A sustainable infrastructure for life, health and well-being in the 21st century demands access to a clean environment, to food and water, but also to a competitive economic situation for many countries world-wide. Energy is one ingredient towards prosperity, and combustion energy contributes significantly to power generation and transportation as well as to major industrial processes. However, because of the associated carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions, fossil combustion is often seen as a challenge to air quality and as a driver of undesired climatic change. In the transformation of the energy system towards more sustainability, alternative fuels play an important role. Their combustion chemistry, including pathways to potential pollutants, is known in much lesser detail than that of the hydrocarbons that constitute today’s petroleum-derived transportation fuels. Novel techniques are being used both in experiment and simulation to address the development of databases and mechanisms for fuels and fuel blends beyond those used today.